Monthly To Be Read List: January 2018

I got a lot of books during Black Friday sales that I’m really excited about, so I had a pretty ambitious To Be Read (TBR) stack for December, and I’m doing the same for January.

Without further ado, here’s it is, pictured with the beautiful book lamp my husband got me for christmas! It opens like a book and is insanely satisfying.

Harry Potter: A History of Magic – The British Library
The Invention of Wings – Sue Monk Kidd
Caraval  – Stephanie Garber
Rebel of the Sands – Alwyn Hamilton
#GIRLBOSS – Sophia Amoruso
Lily and the Octopus – Steven Rowley
The Wonder – Emma Donoghue
The Hate U Give – Angie Thomas
Braving the Wilderness – Brené Brown
I’ll Give You the Sun – Jandy Nelson
The Graduate – Charles Webb
Station Eleven – Emily St. John Mandel
This Song Will Save Your Life – Leila Sales
Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls – Lynn Weingarten

Where I’m at, and what I’m looking forward to!

As it’s already January 6, I’ve finished three of these! I read Harry Potter: A History of Magic first, Caraval second, and Rebel of the Sands third. Reviews upcoming for all of them! Out of the three, I enjoyed Rebel of the Sands the most! I think my next read will be #GIRLBOSS! I’m feeling some non-fiction.  I think my most highly anticipated reads of this month are The Hate U Give and Station Eleven, which both come highly recommended from friends and Bookstagram alike.

It’s highly possible that you think there’s no way I’ll finish all of these…

You might be right, but I’ve already read three and I read 15 books in December! I’d bet on myself for this one.

Now that I’ve shared this with you, I’m off to keep working on all the reviews I need to post thanks to my warp-speed holiday break reading spree!

– Paperback Patronus

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